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Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Football League of Kapuas Educational Level (LPI) 2011

 Football competition 2011 of Junior High School League for Kapuas Students Level today Thursday, May 26, 2011 starting at 15:30 pm rolled out at the Stadium “Panunjung Tarung” Kuala Kapuas.

Student Football Championship is bring into the category of Junior High School Student Level Championship / MTS and the Senior High School / Madrasah Aliyah equal.

This year’s championship fight is Tropy Regent Kapuas for the first time. This football game is a preparation of the Kapuas District League following the higher Level of Central Kalimantan Province in July 2011.

LPI Level Kapuas regency in 2011 was followed by 11 (eleven) junior high school teams, consisting of SMP Negeri 1 Basarang, SMP Negeri 1 Mandomai, SMP Negeri 2 Lupak, SMP Negeri 2 Selat, MTs Manurul Huda, SMP Negeri 7 Selat, SMP Negeri 1 Lupak, SMP Negeri 4 Selat, MTs Kuala Kapuas District, SMP Negeri 1 Selat and Mts Babus Salam Kuala Kapuas.

Meanwhile, for the high school level followed by 5 (five) teams, consisting of SMA Kapuas Murung, Madrasah Aliyah Babus Salam, SMA Negeri Kapuas Barat, MAN Selat and SMA Negeri 1 Kuala Kapuas.

Match system implemented is fall and the match system implemented for 5 (five) days, ranging from 26 to 30 May 2011.

Competition LPI Kapuas fully implemented at the Stadium Panunjung Tarung Kuala Kapuas, with the morning schedule at 07.00 pm to match the level of junior and mid-afternoon at 14.00 pm for the senior secondary level the match.

Expected from this activity will be born the seeds footballer reliable  and toss achievement Kapuas district name on the arena and even the provincial level is expected to be a part of Central Kalimantan Province teams that will compete in the League of National Education of Indonesia Presidential Cup fight.

League of Education of Indonesia (LPI) Level Kapuas Year 2011 was held thanks to good cooperation between the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism with Kapuas District Education Office, Ministry of Religious Affairs Kapuas, KONI Kapuas, PSSI Kapuas District Branch and other sports organizations.

Marking the start of the game the first day of the senior secondary level between teams SMA Kapuas Murung against MA Babus Salam Kuala Kapuas, Second Assistant Secretary of the Kapuas Regents is pleased to represent the first kick.

Looks witnessed the opening match and the beginning of this championship are several civilian and military officials Kapuas district level.

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