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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011


Posted on May 4, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos and Redy, Amd.

Muhammad Panji, known through the Global TV show “Adventures of Panji ‘, still continue taking pictures in the town of Kuala Kapuas and surrounding areas. If yesterday’s focus on the shoot at Dayak longhouse area and stage fields of Bukit Ngalangkang then today to move its location as necessary.

Tuesday Morning (03/05/2011) all Global TV crew consisting of 7 people got busy preparing equipment, property and technical direction in the Guest House “Kota Air” Kuala Kapuas. While it also shows the support team of Studio Dance Tingang Menteng Pahunjung Tarung and Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas helped smooth operation.

The first shooting this morning was photographing the atmosphere of Kuala Kapuas in the morning in the path of the Kapuas Murung river using a small boat “Jukung”. Next host Risma Mutia Taat and Muhammad Rajib Saputra Akbar  welcomed Panji in Kuala Kapuas.

Finish shoot in the waters, a team of 2 (two) speedboats tour rolled into the village Dahirang to see the making of handicrafts typical Kuala Kapuas “Getah Nyatu Handycraft” and watch the center of souvenirs in the village. In this village also exhibited typical music harp accompany chanting Central Kalimantan “Karungut”.

The team also took a picture of an old house on Sungai Pasah, visit the Tomb of stumbled on the betang Sungai Pasah complex and took some other interesting objects.

Next Panji adventure to Pulau Telo. In one of the four small islands in the middle of this river, Panji got a sthe snake typical of small island of Borneo.

Next Panji encounter big snake piton type alias panganen and demonstrate skill and joke with this dangerous wildlife.

Panji Adventures in the success of the program in Kapuas, Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Drs. Edy Lukman, MM would particularly like to thank you for the support of Mr. H. Muhammad Mawardi Bupati Kapuas, manager of the Guest House and others. Next pronounced infinite thanks to Tim Global TV Jakarta who would bother to take pictures in Kuala Kapuas.

The same remark was also delivered to those who always accompany the team took to the field of the Secretary of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Drs. Inar L Teki, MH, Head of Tourism I Wayan Arnatha, SH., Section Head of Business Tourism Products Ibu Sri Eka Juniwati, Head of Sub Division of Financial Disporabudpar Kapuas Heny Agustina, SE, M. AP and Website Manager Disporabudpar Kapuas Mr. Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos and Redy, AMd.

Thanks not forget also to Mr. Abdul Wahab and Hendra are also busy serving the needs of this activity. Also thanks to the owner in the Village Craft Centre Desa Dahirang, the large families of Drs. Talinting Erik Toepak as the chief of complex betang Sungai Pasah and stumbled and others that are not mentioned here.

Specialy to the icon of the shows “Muhammad Panji”, it is spoken thank you very much for his presence in the simple city of Kuala Kapuas, KOTA AIR, and do not forget to come back to Kuala Kapuas on the other days.

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