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Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Mr & Miss Tourism Kapuas 2011

Posted on 13 April 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

Selection event to choose the Man and Woman of  Kapuas District Tourism (PAPIPAR) 2011 held on 4 to 6 April 2011 at Gedung Kesenian “Gandang Garantung” Kuala Kapuas.

This annual event is preparation to face the Central Kalimantan Provincial Level Competition in Tourism Ambasador that will be conjunct with Isen Cultural Festival 2011 on 19 to 24 May 2011 in Palangkaraya.

Preparation Kapuas regency in this arena is a significant warming arena considering the enthusiasm of participants is very good and fairly neat implementation. With this implementation of the Kapuas district determined to defend the championship that has been achieved in 2010, even toss determined the winner of this year to contest a higher level.

The number of participants in 2011 was 21 participants, and at its peak named Muhammad Rajib Akbar Saputra as Putra Pariwisata Kapuas District Year 2011 and Risma Mutia Taat as the Princess called Putri Pariwisata Kapuas Year 2011.

In particular the Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Regency, Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM told reporters that: “Tourism Ambassador of Kapuas chosen, often bringing good name to the National Level,” he said Thursday (7/4-2011).

He hoped also for those who successfully elected this year to promote regional tourism.

This activity is a cooperation among Disporabudpar kabupaten Kapuas, PKK Kabupaten Kapuas, DPD ADWINDO Kapuas, Central Kalimantan Development Bank Branch Kapuas, Aneka Farfum Kapuas, Kalteng Pos and a Radio Swasta Kapuas.

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