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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011


Posted on May 15, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Kapuas district government will participate in the annual “Isen Mulang Cultural Festival ” 2011.    The leading sector, Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism of Kapuas district will follow the Dayak Central Kalimantan Cultural Festival 2011 in Palangkaraya, that the implementation date of 19 to 24 May 2011.

This participation is a follow up from the Kapuas Regent Decision No.  176/DISPORABUDPAR/2011 DATED 2011, May 6, 2011 on the Establishment of Cultural Contingent to Pursue Cultural Festival Isen Mulang Year 2011 in Palangkaraya.

Based on the invitation of the Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas on 12 May 2001, on Friday, May 13, 2011 held preparatory meetings Kapuas District Team departure to join the activities Isen Mulang Cultural Festival 2011 in Palangkaraya.

Attending the meeting of all coordinators sections and 2 (two) are expected to engage partners actively support the Kapuas District Team: The Dayak Adat Council (DAD) Kapuas District and Non-Governmental Organizations operating in the environment.

The number of team members Kapuas regency in 2011 are 66 persons. The activities / competitions that followed includes the Elections of Tourism King and Queen, Regional Cooking Competition and Snacks, Cultural Parade, Inland and Coastal Dance, Competition of Dayak Singers “Karungut”, Mangaruhi or Traditional Fishing, Traditional Rowing Race and Besei Kambe.

Kapuas District Team who will leave following the Cultural Festival Isen Mulang Year 2011 released by Regent Kapuas on Wednesday morning on May 18, 2011 at 07:00 pm at the front of Regent’s office in Kuala Kapuas.

With this departure is expected that all members of the team struggled in sportive and energetic spirit so the results can brings success and good name for the Kapuas district.

Good luck and success for the all of Kapuas Cultural Festival Team!

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