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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

KELAKAI CHIPS, Typical Snack from Kuala Kapuas

By Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos – Monday, May 16, 2011 7:05 pm

Kalteng Expo 2011 which is a series of anniversary of Central Kalimantan Province was held on December 19 to May 23, 2011. On this occasion Kapuas will display some excellent products such as souvenir and snack like typical Nyatu Gum Craft, Candied Eggplant (Terong Asam/Rimbang) and Crackers Kelakai.

Kelakai snack chips are original and typical of Kuala Kapuas town so it is worth presented to the public.

The Dayak’ terms “Kelakai” of plant species ferns, very easy to find in most wetlands in Kapuas. Habitat of this plant is wet and flooded areas. This plant has a fibers root system and how it could contribute to the shoots and tendrils and spore.

Plants Kelakai quite easy to grow and if left unchecked will cover an area large enough.

Plants Kelakai recognized to have many benefits such as anti-diarrhea. Also believed to Dayak community as a blood booster medicine and drugs for youth. Do not forget, young shoots kelakai is quite delicious cuisine ingredient, which among the natives of Borneo is one of the favorite foods (including oseng kelakai, Juhu kelakai, kelakai nodes etc.).

One attempt of kelakai confectionary-diversity is processed into chips kelakai as that which has been cultivated by the Flamboyan 108 Kuala Kapuas, under the assisted by the Department of Agriculture TPH Kapuas Regency.

Interestingly, plants are often used as a vegetable that has a unique advantage. Kalakai was able to delay human aging process. Based on empirical studies note that kalakai used by the Dayak Kenyah people to treat anemia, fever relief, treat skin disease, and drug to ageless.

Scientifically, it Kelakai according Domain is: Eukaryotes – Whittaker & Margulis, 1978, is the Kingdom: Plantae () – Haeckel, 1866 – Plants, Subkingdom: Viridaeplantae () – Cavalier-Smith, 1981, Division: Pteridophyta, Phylum: Tracheophyta () – Sinnott, 1935 Ex Cavalier-Smith, 1998 – Vascular Plants, Subphylum: Euphyllophytina () and Infraphylum: Moniliformopses () – Kenrick & Crane, 1997, Nom. Nud. As for his class are: Filicopsida () – Cronquist Et Al., Order: Filicales () – Link, Family: Blechnaceae () – (C. Presl, 1851) Copeland, 1947 – Chain Fern Family, Tribe: Narcisseae (), Genus: Stenochlaena () – Linnaeus, 1753, Specific epithet: palustris – (Burm.) Bedd, with botanical name: Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.) Bedd.


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