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Senin, 13 Juni 2011


Posted on May 27, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Isen Mulang Provincial Cultural Festival of Central Kalimantan 2011 held on 19 to 24 May 2011. Official opening by the Governor of Central Kalimantan, Agustin Teras Narang, SH accompanied by Vice Governor Drs. H. Ahmad Diran on Thursday afternoon (19.05.2011) at 14.00 pm.

After the last 5 (five) days, the closing ceremony was held on Tuesday night (24/05/2011) by the Vice Governor of Central Kalimantan, Drs. H. Ahmad Diran.

 In this closing night known the end result of the Cultural Festival 2011, the District of Murung Raya as Overall Winner.

The accomplishments achieved by the Kapuas district in Isen Mulang Year Cultural Festival 2011 are:

1. Second Place for the Car Ornamental Parade. In these moment participated by all districts in Central Kalimantan are implemented in the form of cultural parade during the opening ceremony.

In this cultural parade Kapuas district car show 2 pieces of major automobile unique culture Kapuas describe a boat / car banama laluhan and supporters describe the potential of nature tourism in Kapuas district.

2. Kapuas District won the first winner the contest for Mangaruhi / Maloto (women) of Misna and Suryati.

3. Kapuas District also won as the First Winner  for the race  of Besei Kambe (women) by Ms. Rosida and Lilis

4. Fourth championship achieved is contingent Kapuas won the Second Winner of Besei Kambe Men Race of Fadli and Dehen.

5. Meanwhile, in the event  of Provincial Tourism King and Princess Election of Central Kalimantan, Kapuas District representative on behalf of Akbar Rajib won Second Place Predicate.

6. In the Karungut branch contest, representative Kapuas regency should be satisfied to obtain the position of Runner.

7. As for the Princess category of Tourism, representatives of the Kapuas district won the Best Talent category on behalf of  Risma Mutia Taat.

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