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Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


Posted on May 18, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

This morning, Wednesday, May 18, 2011 (07:05 WIB) the Government of Kapuas Regency released Kapuas Contingent to The Cultural Festival of Central Kalimantan Province”Isen Mulang” 2011. Isen Mulang festival held on 19 to May 24, 2011 in Palangkaraya.

The participation is a follow up the decision of Kapuas Regent  N0. 176/DISPORABUDPAR/TAHUN 2011 dated May 6, 2011 on the Establishment of Cultural Contingent to Pursue Cultural Festival Isen Mulang 2011 in Palangkaraya.

The Head of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism of Kapuas Regency, Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM as Contingent Leader said that the departure to follow Isen Mulang Cultural Festival 2011 to include 66 people. The activities / competitions that followed includes the elections of Putra Putri Pariwisata, Regional Cooking Competition and Snacks, Cultural Parade, Inland and Malay Dance Competition, Karungut, Mangaruhi (traditional fishing), Traditional Rowing Race and Besei Kambe.

Departure of the contingents officially realeassed by the Secretary of the Kapuas District, Drs. Nurul Edy MM at the Regent’s office in Kuala Kapuas. He expressed an apology from Mr Regents considering he was on duty outside the region.

Mr. Secretary ordered through this departure is expected to struggle in a sporting team members and vigorous so that results can raise the good name of the district of Kapuas.

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