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Senin, 09 Mei 2011


Materials and photographs by Ozi Burrahman
Written by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos
Posted on 25 April 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

Dance studio “Riak Nyalong” Kuala Kapuas trusted again to appear on the international dance events. This time they will liven up the “World Dance Day” in the city of Surakarta, Central Java Province on April 29, 2011.

We all know the “Riak Nyalong” has proud the name of Central Kalimantan province on Lanjong Art Festival 2011, held on 5 to 13 February 2011 in the city of Tenggarong, East Kalimantan. At that moment a huge success Riak Nyalong won two titles, namely Best Contemporary Dance and Playground Best Makeup and Clothing.

In the event that took place this rigorous judging process conducted by an international jury, consisting of Rianto (Jakarta), Natsuki Hayashi (Japan), Nicole Legette (Chicago, USA), and Mubarak Setyaningsih (Jogjakarta).

Because of this achievement, we believe Riak Nyalong will back and waving flags of Kapuas district of Central Kalimantan province on the international arena. Good luck and success always.

Just a flashback, in 1982, UNESCO declared April 29 as “World Dance Day”. Every year and dance man in the whole world celebrating with a variety of dance activities. Success of Institute Indonesian Arts (ISI) Surakarta in 2007, 2008, 2009 and co-operation with the Government of ISI Surakarta Surakarta as the executor of the World Dance Day celebration in 2010 with the theme “24 HOURS SOLO dance”, encouraging all supporters of events, institutions, organizers, performers, dance audiences and critics agree that even the World Dance Day every April 29, made big event world of dance in Indonesia.

Of engagement “RIAK NYALONG” World Dance Day in 2011 with the theme “Go Out to Dance for Harmony” (Excellent Persona, Excellent Community). This is thanks to the previous achievements in Lanjong Art Festival so that they are specifically invited to enliven his spectacular “SOLO 24 HOURS dancing.

In the World Dance Day in 2011 in Surakarta, supported by dance studio in the city of Solo, schools (elementary, junior high school, vocational school, dance teacher), the city of Solo, Surakarta city Department of Tourism, DIKPORA Surakarta, Surakarta Kraton Kasunanan, Kraton Yogyakarta Sultanate , Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, Surakarta Mangkunegaran, RRI Surakarta, Wayang Sriwedari, the entire academic community ISI Surakarta, Universities and Colleges of Art in Indonesia, the Local Government (East Java, West Java, Yogyakarta, West Sumatra, East Kalimantan, Papua, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, Bali, Sumbawa, Semarang, Pekanbaru, South Sumatra), as well as participants from other countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Bunei, Japan, Taiwan, Korea). All of them will be together together in 24 HOURS SOLO TITLE dancing.

In fielded himself in the title “Solo 24 Hours of Dancing”, 2011, Dance Group Riak Nyalong Kuala Kapuas carry 17 people departed with personnel. The Nyalong will feature 2 (two) pieces of dance that is traditional dance titled “Lontung Batuah” and coastal dance “Nurun alan Nur”. The team led by the Chairman of the Studio Ragus Rumbang, S, Pd, MPd and secretary Dessy Krisnatalia. This group will join a thousand dancers from various provinces and countries during the opening ceremony and also mingled in the dance world with no less than three thousand dancers as a whole world.

Viva Riak Nyalong!

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