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Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


Posted on May 18, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos

On the morning of Wednesday, May 18, 2011 (9:30 WIB) a meeting held to Preparation of Education League Indonesia (LPI) at the meeting room of the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporabudpar) Kapuas Regency  in Kuala Kapuas.

LPI will soon be a football competition for the junior and senior high school students in Kapuas District Level.

Invite those present at the meeting of the National Education Department officials (Diknas) Kapuas District, Regional PSSI Kapuas, Manager and Head of Kapuas School / Teacher of High School Level  in Kuala Kapuas.

Meeting chaired by the Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Regency Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM accompanied by Head of Sports Disporabudpar Kapuas Suwarno Muriyat, S. Ag, M. Pd and Kasi Keolah-ragaan Disporabudpar Kapuas S. Rahardjo.

The meeting agreed that the Football League for Junior and Senior High School Student Level Kapuas held starting next Tuesday (24-05-2011) in Kuala Kapuas.

League is implemented as a platform for the preparation of Kapuas district following the Championship teams on the same level of Central Kalimantan Province which will be held July 2011 in Central Kalimantan Governor Cup fight.

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