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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

GETAH NYATU, Kapuas Typical Souvenirs – Monday, May 9, 2011 15:01 pm
By Tribunner Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Souvenirs from nyatu sap material (getah nyatu)  is a typical of Dayak handicrafts in Kapuas regency (Central Kalimantan Province), especially Dahirang village, Kuala Kapuas.

The goods are generally made ​​in the form of carving banama (boat / boats), home of Dayak betang, dayak statue, monument or miniature of Kuala Kapuas stumbled (human bones home after tiwah).

Today the village Dahirang began to be prepared by apuas district government, in this case the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas District as a tourist village. One of the activities that support that in 2011 will built some support facilities such as cultural complex “Betang Sungai Pasah”

Desa Dahirang or Sungai Pasah Village located on the road call trans Kalimantan (Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya). In this village there are a number of crafters nyatu and shops that became collectors and sellers of the results of the craftsmen. One of the well-known are the property Tinga K Jaffar (72 years) with label business: “Antiques”.

The problem is the difficulty of crafters nyatu resin raw material. The difficulty is the cause of endangerment preservation crafts. Until when whether a craft that is characteristic of Kampung Dahirang it survive? To be sure the rate of forest destruction is threatening the business.


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