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Senin, 09 Mei 2011


Posted on 29 April 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Photo by Redi, A. Md
Text by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Invitation Selection of Traditional Sports 2011 of Central Kalimantan Province held on 28 to 30 April 2011 in Palangkaraya.

Selection of 2011 was followed by 4 (four) districts in Central Kalimantan are Kapuas District, Barito Timur, Pulang Pisau and Palangkaraya city.

In activities organized by the Department of Youth and Sports of Central Kalimantan Province bring into 3 (three) branches of sport, namely: stilts (men), long sandals (men) and Dagongan (women).

All traditional sports held at the Department of Youth and Sports Complex of Central Kalimantan, Jalan Brigjen Katamso Palangkaraya.

The end result of this championship in 2011,  Kapuas District Team managed to obtain one (1), as the Champion II Dagongan (women).

Hopefully the implementation of selection for the coming years can be better programmed so that all districts in Central Kalimantan will have participated.

Congratulations to the winners of this year, hopefully the province of Central Kalimantan, which would represent the best achievements in Traditional Sport Invitation Nasinal in the province of Bangka Island in early July 2011.

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