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Selasa, 05 April 2011


Text and Photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

On Sunday morning of March 13, 2011 at 07:00 am conducted activity of Fun Bike. This activity is part of a series enliven Anniversary Kuala Kapuas to-205, and Anniversary Kapuas district government to-60 Year 2011.

Bicycles excited followed by children and adolescents was conducted by Kuala Kapuas start and finish in the field of Bukit Ngalangkang Kuala Kapuas.

After all participants convoy one round across Jalan Ahmad Yani, and rotates at the junction of Jalan Tambun Bungai, participants returned to the field of Bukit Ngalangkang with a convoy under control of Kapuas district police and the security of the Kapuas District Department of Transportation.

Furthermore, all participants closely follow the draw door prize of 2 (two) pieces of fan, 1 (one) electric irons and 20 (twenty) souvenirs.

Sidelines of the door prize drawing, participants were entertained with solo organ music by the executive committee.

Congratulations to the lucky participants get a door prize and souvenirs times.

These brothers are fortunate in this moment of time.

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