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Kamis, 28 April 2011


Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

The series of peaks vibrant of 205th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary and the 60th Kapuas district government anniversary ends in Kuala Kapuas Harbour Danau Mare this afternoon (03/25/2011) at 15:00 until 16:30 pm with the holding of traditional ceremonies or Laluhan 0r the Ngaju Dayak River War.

Event held directly coordinated by the Head of Department of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM, attended by the Regent Kapuas Drs. H. Muhammad Mawardi, MM and Ny. Hj. Aliyah Mawardi, Kapuas Muspida element, the head offices Kapuas District, community leaders, traditional leaders and community of Kuala Kapuas.

Dayak Post Online wrote, in Central Kalimantan Cultural themes describing the “Laluhan” as the war on river by Ngaju Dayak tribes. Laluhan Culture is a series of ceremonial procession of Dayak in Central Kalimantan which is usually a series with special occasions such as tiwah.

This year’s water fight is in front of the Port of Danau Mare Kuala Kapuas, is part of a series of traditional ceremonies Mamapas Lewu Kapuas, which is part of birthday celebration of Kuala Kapuas town and Kapuas district government.

Of course this incident is not a war in the sense of a real war because war means used were spears from sticks “Suli” who have blunt edges. Maneuver on the water that was exhibited  is one of the attractions of the cultural heritage of indigenous Dayak tribes Ngaju Kuala Kapuas hereditary familiar with the term “Laluhan”.

Laluhan culture as a tradition of water wars Ngaju Dayak tribes who were the original inhabitants of Earth Tambun Bungai Central Kalimantan, the tradition of war on river is symbolic of cultural events that illustrate just how persistent the Dayak people defend its territory from enemy interference. Symbolism is also part of how persistent people fight poverty and backwardness so that later became an advanced society.

For the citizens of the Dayak tribe Ngaju, which Laluhan tradition is an activity relating to the appointment ceremony tiwah or someone who is dead and buried. So in this regard Laluhan early this context begins. But now Laluhan no longer merely part of a series of funeral ceremonies in the form of transfer of the bones to a small building called stumbled. Precisely through this kind of annual event “Laluhan” has become a unique cultural attractions that rare, unique and interesting.

Hopefully with a traditional ceremony diagendakannya sourced from ancestral beliefs of the Dayaks Ngaju embracing “Kaharingan” is then appointed Laluhan can also be cultural events that characterizes CITY WATER Kwala as capable of achieving the mandate of Kapuas district.

Bravo Kapuas Jaya.

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