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Senin, 25 April 2011


Posted on March 16, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

In a series of the 205-th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary  and the 60-th Anniversary of the Kapuas district government, on Monday evening of March 14, 2011 has been officially opened Kapuas promotion event, titled “Fair and People’s Market. “  This big event takes place in Kuala Kapuas Stadium and its surroundings.

This year’s People’s Market was inaugurated by Secretary of the Kapuas District, Nurul H Edy, Msi, and will run until March 19, 2011.

What are the Kapuas view this Promo Year 2011? Besides featuring stalls of governance of the Department / Agency / Regional Task Force, also displayed a wide range of booths from various local entities, private businesses and individuals from various, both locally and outside the province.

In a simple perspective, this year’s Campaign of the Kapuas Extravaganza can also dubbed as packaging that is displayed is a solid blend of various elements of modern life such as business, entertainment, sports and culinary.

Kapuas nights in one of these days is a lovely evening full of business, sports, entertainment and various foods. The Park near stadium in front of General Hospital is overflowing with various activities. Likewise, children’s playground near the office of PLN in the back of the stage entertainment, looking so beautiful always festive lights twinkle below a neat garden.

Meanwhile, entertainment on stage performances is the alternation of band groups demonstrated skill. The point is …, Kapuas now is having a party. And at its peak later will be entertained by a great band of the capital Jakarta, “Wali”, which will show on March 20, 2011.

Kapuas Bravo!

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