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Senin, 25 April 2011


Posted on March 16, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text & photo by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

The Badminton Competition in the framework of Day of Kuala Kapuas to-205, and Anniversary of Kapuas district government to-60 Year 2011 held at Kuala Kapuas Sport Center (GOR) Panunjung Tarung.

Championship which was held from March 11, 2011 and then, – where the game held at 15.00 pm in the afternoon and at 19.00 am until finished, – finally ended last night, Tuesday, March 15, 2011.

In a contested championship this year, consists of:
- General Team (men), and
- Single Individual (men).

The number of clubs that register a Kapuas regency of 20 contingents, which each club sends an average of between 2 teams or 3 teams, so the number of participants totaled 55 persons athletes.

Results championship final which was closed last night (15/3-2011) are:
Men Single :    Winner I Dieky Marantika (SMP Negeri 2 Selat)
Second Place Irwansyah (PGRI Kuala Kapuas)
Third Place Ilham (SMP Negeri 2 Selat)

Men Team  :    Winner I       Club PGRI Kuala Kapuas
Second Place Police Club Kuala Kapuas
Third Place Club Golkar Kapuas

Delivery rotating Cup by Police chief Kapuas and Second Place presented by representing the Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporabudpar) Kapuas District, Mr Suwarno Muriyat, S. Ag, M.Pd.

Besides getting the trophy, all winners of this championship and also obtained a charter award money.

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