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Selasa, 26 April 2011


Posted on March 20, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Lively Day of 205th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary and the 60th Kapuas district government anniversary also occurred in the Bukit Ngalangkang Kuala Kapuas.

Two consecutive nights, Friday and Saturday nights on 18 and 19 March 2011, Dangdut Music show featuring Dang Dut artists from the city of Banjarmasin, including artists of KDI.

In the first night of the show displayed Orchestra Dang Dut “RG” from Kilometer 4 Anjir Kalampan as musical accompaniment. While the artist singer who competed singing voice is Vony KDI-6, Lusiana, Erlita, Shinta Bella and other Banjarmasin young singers.

As for the second night is shown Orchestra Rock Dangdut “Benia entertainment” Kuala Kapuas under the leadership of Mr. Haji Ali. This music group to accompany a man called “Rhoma Irama Duplicate”, and 5 ladies dang dut famous of Banjarmasin which Miss Dewi Arsita.

Meanwhile in the arena of the Kuala Kapuas People’s Fair and Market, Stadium Sports Complex, entertainment stage is also performed at the same time with the theme music to young people. At this stage also held a contest with the full support of the Young Singers Anniversary Committee and the parties Telkomsel District.

Meanwhile, folk entertainment summit this year held in Kuala Kapuas Stadium main stage on Sunday night of March 20, 2011 featuring renowned group of young band from the capital Jakarta, “Wali”.

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