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Selasa, 26 April 2011


Posted on March 18, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

In the 205th Kuala Kapuas anniversary and 60th Kapuas district government anniversary, Lawn Tennis Association of Indonesia (PELTI) Kapuas District held a match Tennis Doubles Individual Male and Female, by category:
A. Men Group A.1 pairs with Son A.2
B. Men Group B.1 with Son B.2
C. Women Group

Prizes are up for grabs from each group A, B and C are:
Champion Rp. 750.000, -
Winner  II Rp. 500.000, -
Winner III Rp. 350.000, -
Winner IV Rp. 200.000, -

All game participants have enrolled from December 10 to March 16, 2011 and has followed the technical meeting on March 16, 2011 afternoon at 15.30 pm in the Gymnasium Beringin Kuala Kapuas.

Participants games this year are:
A.1 and A.2 Men Group amounted to 14 pairs, Son B.1 and B.2 totaling 7 pairs, while the Women totaling 6 pairs.

Yesterday afternoon (Thursday, March 17, 2011) at 15.30 pm the match has started.

Congratulations to compete.

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