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Rabu, 27 April 2011


Posted on March 21, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos

Peak vibrant town of 205-th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary and Anniversary of 60-th Kapuas district government Year 2011 ended in Sports Stadium “Panunjung Tarung” last night (03/20/2011) at 21:00 until 22:30 pm with a performance of Famous Music Group “WALI”  from the Capital of Indonesia Jakarta.

Last night, the Government of Kapuas regency offered to the public of Kapuas district an very famous and familiaries songs by WALI in a collaboration with the Jorong Production from South Kalimantan.

Before the appearance WALI, the young local bands call DISPORABUDPAR BAND took a chance to perform their skill as an opening band.

Appearances Wali really kicked out of visitors who thronged the stadium in Kuala Kapuas. Kapuas stadium atmosphere is really festive with long chorus the audience that always accompany the noisy and low rebound after rebound Wali’s songs.

End of the appearance last night was the fireworks successive to blew up flying disperse the darkness of night in the sky of Kuala Kapuas is increasingly creeping cold sweat.

Happy birthday Kuala Kapuas.
Happy birthday Kapuas district government.
God bless Kapuas Jaya.


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