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Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

The Tingang Menteng Panunjung Tarung Culture Festival 2011 Opened

Posted on March 11, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and Photos  by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor , S. Sos

The Cultural Festival of Kapuas District “Tingang Menteng Panunjung Tarung” Year 2011  held for 3 (three) days from March 9 until March 11, 2011 housed in the Gedung Kesenian “Gandang Garantung” Kuala Kapuas.

The event was held as a Pre Isen Mulang activities at district level is once again the momentum enliven Anniversary Kuala Kapuas to HUT-205 and Kapuas district government to-60.

Activity was officially opened by the Bupati Kapuas which in this case represented by Assistant Economic and Development of the Sekretariat Daerah Kapuas, Drs. H. Zahirsyah Rofieq, S. Hut.

Chairman of the Executive Committee of Drs. Inar L Teki, MH reported that the activity which is the annual event is a cultural event Pre Isen Mulang Kapuas district level implementation of a series made ​​by day and the anniversary of the Kapuas district government.

Activities cultural arts district competition this year attended by representatives from 17 sub districts of Kapuas district. The competition is held is the category of Regional Dance Competition and Competition of Karungut.

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