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Jumat, 29 April 2011


Posted on March 30, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Peak vibrant of 205 Kuala Kapuas Anniversary and 60 Anniversary of Kapuas district government ended with mass walk with the Regent Kapuas on Sunday morning March 27, 2011. Mass activity was followed by thousands of participants to start and finish in the field of Bukit Ngalangkang Kuala Kapuas.

Among participants who appear healthy walk attended Chief of Police Kapuas, which represents Dandim Kapuas, an House of Representatives (DPR RI), Head of Department / Agency Level Kapuas District, Banking leaders, leaders of the Regional Companies and Kuala Kapuas society in general.

Walk mass activities carried out this time is a form of tangible support from the Anniversary Committee of Kapuas District Chamber of Commerce and one of the local newspaper in Central Kalimantan.

After all participants to follow a healthy path further held doorprizes withdrawal of 3 (three) pieces of motorcycles, refrigerators and other electronic goods.

Kamis, 28 April 2011


Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

The series of peaks vibrant of 205th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary and the 60th Kapuas district government anniversary ends in Kuala Kapuas Harbour Danau Mare this afternoon (03/25/2011) at 15:00 until 16:30 pm with the holding of traditional ceremonies or Laluhan 0r the Ngaju Dayak River War.

Event held directly coordinated by the Head of Department of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM, attended by the Regent Kapuas Drs. H. Muhammad Mawardi, MM and Ny. Hj. Aliyah Mawardi, Kapuas Muspida element, the head offices Kapuas District, community leaders, traditional leaders and community of Kuala Kapuas.

Dayak Post Online wrote, in Central Kalimantan Cultural themes describing the “Laluhan” as the war on river by Ngaju Dayak tribes. Laluhan Culture is a series of ceremonial procession of Dayak in Central Kalimantan which is usually a series with special occasions such as tiwah.

This year’s water fight is in front of the Port of Danau Mare Kuala Kapuas, is part of a series of traditional ceremonies Mamapas Lewu Kapuas, which is part of birthday celebration of Kuala Kapuas town and Kapuas district government.

Of course this incident is not a war in the sense of a real war because war means used were spears from sticks “Suli” who have blunt edges. Maneuver on the water that was exhibited  is one of the attractions of the cultural heritage of indigenous Dayak tribes Ngaju Kuala Kapuas hereditary familiar with the term “Laluhan”.

Laluhan culture as a tradition of water wars Ngaju Dayak tribes who were the original inhabitants of Earth Tambun Bungai Central Kalimantan, the tradition of war on river is symbolic of cultural events that illustrate just how persistent the Dayak people defend its territory from enemy interference. Symbolism is also part of how persistent people fight poverty and backwardness so that later became an advanced society.

For the citizens of the Dayak tribe Ngaju, which Laluhan tradition is an activity relating to the appointment ceremony tiwah or someone who is dead and buried. So in this regard Laluhan early this context begins. But now Laluhan no longer merely part of a series of funeral ceremonies in the form of transfer of the bones to a small building called stumbled. Precisely through this kind of annual event “Laluhan” has become a unique cultural attractions that rare, unique and interesting.

Hopefully with a traditional ceremony diagendakannya sourced from ancestral beliefs of the Dayaks Ngaju embracing “Kaharingan” is then appointed Laluhan can also be cultural events that characterizes CITY WATER Kwala as capable of achieving the mandate of Kapuas district.

Bravo Kapuas Jaya.

Rabu, 27 April 2011


Posted on March 21, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos

Peak vibrant town of 205-th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary and Anniversary of 60-th Kapuas district government Year 2011 ended in Sports Stadium “Panunjung Tarung” last night (03/20/2011) at 21:00 until 22:30 pm with a performance of Famous Music Group “WALI”  from the Capital of Indonesia Jakarta.

Last night, the Government of Kapuas regency offered to the public of Kapuas district an very famous and familiaries songs by WALI in a collaboration with the Jorong Production from South Kalimantan.

Before the appearance WALI, the young local bands call DISPORABUDPAR BAND took a chance to perform their skill as an opening band.

Appearances Wali really kicked out of visitors who thronged the stadium in Kuala Kapuas. Kapuas stadium atmosphere is really festive with long chorus the audience that always accompany the noisy and low rebound after rebound Wali’s songs.

End of the appearance last night was the fireworks successive to blew up flying disperse the darkness of night in the sky of Kuala Kapuas is increasingly creeping cold sweat.

Happy birthday Kuala Kapuas.
Happy birthday Kapuas district government.
God bless Kapuas Jaya.



Posted on March 20, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

One of the splendor of the 205 th Kuala Kapuas Town Anniversary  and the 60th  Anniversary of Kapuas district government is Open Futsal Competition at Stadium “88″ Futsal Kuala Kapuas. This event was held “Kalteng Post Event Futsal Bupati Cup Competition 3 “.

The Futsal competition in 2011 was very lively as well as local teams, followed by Central Kalimantan, also followed by a strong team from the neighboring province of South Kalimantan.

The teams that competed include Mullah FC, ​​Fallah, Baldes, Thembox, Tunas Inti, Shabax, Regas, Flastic, Pandu Pertiwi, Mecanic, Cipta Rasa, Mentenk, Raihan, Nani Deco, Galaxy.

Final results last night (19/3-2011) shows that the visitors from Banjarmasin earned his champion, – both the first champion and runner-up, – while a new local team to capture a third championship and fourth positions.

To the survivors and their spoken champions have won prize,  money, trophy:

The Champion  Rp. 7,000,000, -
Second Place Rp. 4.000.000, -
Third Place Rp. 2.000.000, -
IV champion Rp. 1.000.000, -
And to top scorer earn money amounting to Rp. 500.000, -

The appreciation shown by local government leaders and Kapuas community for administering this competition looks very good so that events of this kind are very big chances to grow in the future.

Selasa, 26 April 2011


Posted on March 20, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Lively Day of 205th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary and the 60th Kapuas district government anniversary also occurred in the Bukit Ngalangkang Kuala Kapuas.

Two consecutive nights, Friday and Saturday nights on 18 and 19 March 2011, Dangdut Music show featuring Dang Dut artists from the city of Banjarmasin, including artists of KDI.

In the first night of the show displayed Orchestra Dang Dut “RG” from Kilometer 4 Anjir Kalampan as musical accompaniment. While the artist singer who competed singing voice is Vony KDI-6, Lusiana, Erlita, Shinta Bella and other Banjarmasin young singers.

As for the second night is shown Orchestra Rock Dangdut “Benia entertainment” Kuala Kapuas under the leadership of Mr. Haji Ali. This music group to accompany a man called “Rhoma Irama Duplicate”, and 5 ladies dang dut famous of Banjarmasin which Miss Dewi Arsita.

Meanwhile in the arena of the Kuala Kapuas People’s Fair and Market, Stadium Sports Complex, entertainment stage is also performed at the same time with the theme music to young people. At this stage also held a contest with the full support of the Young Singers Anniversary Committee and the parties Telkomsel District.

Meanwhile, folk entertainment summit this year held in Kuala Kapuas Stadium main stage on Sunday night of March 20, 2011 featuring renowned group of young band from the capital Jakarta, “Wali”.


Posted on March 18, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

In the 205th Kuala Kapuas anniversary and 60th Kapuas district government anniversary, Lawn Tennis Association of Indonesia (PELTI) Kapuas District held a match Tennis Doubles Individual Male and Female, by category:
A. Men Group A.1 pairs with Son A.2
B. Men Group B.1 with Son B.2
C. Women Group

Prizes are up for grabs from each group A, B and C are:
Champion Rp. 750.000, -
Winner  II Rp. 500.000, -
Winner III Rp. 350.000, -
Winner IV Rp. 200.000, -

All game participants have enrolled from December 10 to March 16, 2011 and has followed the technical meeting on March 16, 2011 afternoon at 15.30 pm in the Gymnasium Beringin Kuala Kapuas.

Participants games this year are:
A.1 and A.2 Men Group amounted to 14 pairs, Son B.1 and B.2 totaling 7 pairs, while the Women totaling 6 pairs.

Yesterday afternoon (Thursday, March 17, 2011) at 15.30 pm the match has started.

Congratulations to compete.


Posted on March 17, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos

  • Based on the invitation of the Head of the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporabudpar) of the Kapuas district on Thursday, March 17, 2011, Executive Committee meeting held Mamapas Lewu Ritual Balian. This activity was conducted as a follow up of the SK No. 194/Kebud/Disporabudpar/III/2011 dated 14 of March 2011.

    The meeting was important given the shift schedule several events in the series Day Kuala Kapuas to-205, and Anniversary Kapuas district government to-60 Year 2011 so that this committee discuss it in detail.

    Attend this meeting in the Kuala Kapuas Police, the Office of Communications and Information Kapuas District, the local Civil Police Service, Traditional Leaders and the other elements.

    Meeting chaired by the Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Drs. Hakim Lukman Edy, MM as of the responsible activity, accompanied by Chairman of the Executive Committee of Mr. I Wayan Arnatha S, SH (Head of Tourism).

    The meeting was confirmed: Events Mamapas Lewu lasted 3 (three) days of the date of 21-22-23 in March 2011 and implemented the Laluhan on March 25, 2011 located in Danau Mare.

Senin, 25 April 2011


Posted on March 16, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas
Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

In a series of the 205-th Kuala Kapuas Anniversary  and the 60-th Anniversary of the Kapuas district government, on Monday evening of March 14, 2011 has been officially opened Kapuas promotion event, titled “Fair and People’s Market. “  This big event takes place in Kuala Kapuas Stadium and its surroundings.

This year’s People’s Market was inaugurated by Secretary of the Kapuas District, Nurul H Edy, Msi, and will run until March 19, 2011.

What are the Kapuas view this Promo Year 2011? Besides featuring stalls of governance of the Department / Agency / Regional Task Force, also displayed a wide range of booths from various local entities, private businesses and individuals from various, both locally and outside the province.

In a simple perspective, this year’s Campaign of the Kapuas Extravaganza can also dubbed as packaging that is displayed is a solid blend of various elements of modern life such as business, entertainment, sports and culinary.

Kapuas nights in one of these days is a lovely evening full of business, sports, entertainment and various foods. The Park near stadium in front of General Hospital is overflowing with various activities. Likewise, children’s playground near the office of PLN in the back of the stage entertainment, looking so beautiful always festive lights twinkle below a neat garden.

Meanwhile, entertainment on stage performances is the alternation of band groups demonstrated skill. The point is …, Kapuas now is having a party. And at its peak later will be entertained by a great band of the capital Jakarta, “Wali”, which will show on March 20, 2011.

Kapuas Bravo!