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Minggu, 24 Juli 2011


Posted on July 25, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

In preparing for the Independence Day of Indonesia on August 17, 2011, Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas re-implement the selection for the force of flag raisers (Paskibraka) Kapuas District Level.

Activities selection starts on Friday, July 22, 2011, at 08.00 am in the morning, housed in the front and side yard of the Kapuas District of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Affairs.

In the selection of the overall,  number of applicants for this year are 258 students came from several sub-districts of Kapuas district, with the largest senders from Kecamatan Selat who sent participants from all the existing high school.

Details of the candidate registries for forces flag raisers 2011  of the daughter as 115 people and son as much143 people.

In the implementation of selection in height and health, participants who had survived as many as 154 people, while the rest is disqualified.

Of the total participants then take the test arts and passed the all.

The last test in the form of regulation marching (PBB), the son of the participants who passed as many as 90 people and the daughter of 24 people.

And the end result that selected 18 sons and 12 daughters. Meanwhile, for all 45 forces drawn from full Paskibraka force 2009 and 2010 as many as 40 people.

Health Team who played a part in this year’s selection of Puskesmas Selat. The coach / trainer of KODIM 1011 Kapuas, Kapuas District Police Officers and the Kapuas District Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism.

Training and quarantine for Paskibraka Kapuas Regency in 2011 is centered at the Hotel Roos, Jalan Tambun Bungai Kuala Kapuas. While the practice field was centered at the Sports Stadium Complex “Panunjung Tarung” Kuala Kapuas.

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