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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011


Posted on July 20, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

The Kapuas Art Team that represented the Province of Central Kalimantan won in the Performing Arts of the National Redcross Meet 2011 in the province of Gorontalo.

National Jumbara 2011 was held from 3 to July 10, 2011 housed on the open air main stage of Gorontalo.

In the event of Central Kalimantan Province Arts Team fight with a dance “TARUNG MANDAU”,  featuring dancers of 10 people comprising four sons and six daughters.

Tari TARUNG MANDAU (Saber fight dance) presented by the Kapuas District Youth Red Cross (PMR)   in cooperation with the Regional Dance Studio “Tingang Menteng Pahunjung Tarung” Kuala Kapuas, with choreographer Erliansyah Narpan M Apoi, fashion stylist M. Noor Indra Mahendra and arranger Ari Pratama.

Central Kalimantan province contingent led by the group leader Dra. Marlina (PMI Central Kalimantan) and Zonnun Almikhri (PMI Kapuas).

The success of the Kapuas Regency dance team won a national achievement is not separated from the coaching that has been granted by the Trustees / Chairman of the PMI Kapuas Regency, Drs. Nurul Edy.

Success Central Kalimantan province on Jumbara won National Champion 2011 in the Province of Gorontalo is encouraging as the success of art performances was followed by a whole team of art from all provinces in Indonesia and 15 contingent of foreign participants.

As for the championship rankings at the performing arts is the Winner of Central Kalimantan Province, Second Place Winner of Papua Province and Bali Province III achieved. Meanwhile, from all the activities that followed, both in the form of bhakti UKS, conference, blood donors, watsan, traveling, PP, hygiene, planting, etc., Central Kalimantan Province won the National IV rating.

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