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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011


Posted on June 14, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas – Wednesday, June 8, 2011, at 9:38 pm written an essay entitled “Kapuas Raih Piagam Adipura”.

Top of this achievement, our entire staff of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Regency express gratitude to God Almighty, and s0 congratulated on what has been achieved.

We also gratitude to the parties who expressed his match in various newspapers and other mass media. Hopefully, this achievement becomes the driving another achievement in the days-future, amen.

As the news above, the Regent Kapuas HM Mawardi has received the Adipura award from the Minister for the Environment Prof. Dr. Ir. Gusti Mohammad Hatta, MS on Tuesday evening June 7, 2011 in Balai Kartini Jakarta. Kuala Kapuas won clean city for the category of small town clean and green.

Kapuas district successfully achieve clean city charter in 2011 is expected also to increase the active role of society in motion so that the city of Kuala Kapuas cleanliness could be better in the years ahead.

The success of this clean city is also the success achieved by the hard work and service by the Kapuas district cleaning affair persons so as not excessive when a thank you communicated to them.

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