This institution has branches in Kapuas, the address Jalan Melati Kuala Kapuas, telephone (0513) 21 396, e-mail: bos_mawas@orangutan.or.id., and webb http://orangutan.or.id/home /

Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism of Kapuas Regency welcomed the Kapuas existence of this institution because their activities to the rescue and preservation of nature introspective (great apes) and it is importance in the development of tourism for Kapuas future.

1. Kecamatan Mantangai
* Kalumpang
* Sei Ahas
* Katunjung
* Muroi
2. Kecamatan Timpah
* Petak Puti
* Aruk
* Lawang Kajang

* By direct increase awareness of the international community to save important species (orangutan);
* Significant positive impact on the economic life of communities around the area Mawas;
* Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity / Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Agenda 21 (climate change, sustainable development bussiness. Etc.), the Convention on international trade in protected species (CITES), and the Ramsar Convention on wetlands protection;
* Provide opportunities for local government staff to get a scholarship (at home and abroad) by conducting research in the work area Mawas Conservation Program.
By Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos
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