Repro Antara News, 31 Desember 2010

Minister of Culture and Tourism of RI (Menbudpar) Ir. Jero Wacik, SE, states, the high perception of the world to Indonesia became one of the considerations the Government to raise the target of tourist arrivals (tourists) to Indonesia in 2011 amounted to 7.7 million foreign tourists.

Culture and Tourism said, the target of foreign tourists visiting in 2010 amounted to 7 million is reached. The number of foreign tourists visiting in 2010 amounted to 7,000,571 or about 8.5% growth compared to the year 2009 of 6,452,259 foreign tourists. “Outcomes of foreign tourists visit this year exceeded the target of 6.75 million as pessimistic Menbudpar performance contract to the President and exceeded its target optimistic 7 million,” said Minister of Culture.
7,000.571 million foreign tourists visit the achievements of 2010, generating foreign exchange of U.S. $ 7.6 billion by calculating the average expenditure of U.S. $ 1.085.70/orang per visit and length of stay of foreign tourists an average of 8.04 days. Tourist expenditure in 2010 an average of U.S. $ 1.085.70 has increased about 9% compared to the year 2009 of U.S. $ 995.93 / person per visit. While the length of stay of foreign tourists in 2010 an average of 8.04 days was increased by 5% in 2009 compared to an average of 7.69 days.
Menbudpar explained, the number of domestic tourist trips (wisnus) in 2010 amounted to 234 million with total expenditures of Rp 138 trillion or an increase of 3.05% compared to the year 2009 amounted to 229 million trips, while the projection in 2011 amounted to 237 million trips.
Increased travel wisnus push room occupancy rate (TPK) star hotel in the country in January-October 2010 average of 50.38% or an increase of 1.99 points compared to the same period in 2009 amounted to 48.39%.
For further information please contact Ka. Pusformas Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia in Jakarta.
Posted by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos
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