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Selasa, 06 September 2011

TAPAI “ANSTERDAM”, Special Snack of Kuala Kapuas

Special snack feast of Kuala Kapuas in holiday of Idul Fitri or Idul Adha is Tapai or fermented casava. This snack made by distinctive community who are living in  Anjir Serapat or Banjaris Canal.  Snacks are always present in a treat for guests who come to silaturrahim.

Kuala Kapuas’s tapai produced continuously by the population especially as close as Anjir Serapat is Tapai Jawau or Cassava fermented food.

Kuala Kapuas typical fermented cassava is also known as Tapai Ansterdam or Tapai Anjir Serapat Dalam which means as Deep Anjir homemade Tapai or Ansterdam.

Tapai Ansterdam has been repeatedly promoted by the Government of Kapuas Regency in various occasions such as Central Kalimantan Expo, National Exhibition of Agricultural Production and other marketing outside.

Bupati Kapuas H Ir Muhammad Mawardi also pleased to promote tapai Ansterdam on various occasions, one of them at the suave night  Kapuas District Government with the Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange on 11 February 2011 in Kuala Kapuas.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011



One of the unique surrounding Cemara Labat beach in Kapuas Kuala district is an open field or a wild prairie.

Open desert terrain of this area lies between the coastal mangrove forest fir Cemara Labat Beach or Cemara Labat village. Between the beach and pasture land are separated by a dike that ran partition between them.

Vast grassland is partly used by local farmers to farm while mostly still a vast expanse of grass stretches.

Agricultural yields obtained by farmers after the use of the vast expanse of open beach Cemara Labat is cassava, maize, cassava, sweet potato, eggplant, chilies, beans and vegetables. And at certain seasons also produced watermelons, waluh, cucumber and other agricultural crops.

The main characteristics in the meadows Cemara Labat is the utilization of humus and litter the sea brought the Java sea waves so that farming here at all without any fertilizer.

Pantai Cemara Labat’s prairie inhabited by various species of butterflies, especially the butterflies in the black, brown, yellow and white.

This area is also inhabited by mongoose, monitor lizards, small birds and snakes sucking flower meadow. That most of this is found in the desert locust.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011


Kapuas Regency really have a region rich in flora and fauna typical of Borneo. One proof that wealth is a flock of free-living monkeys in the mangrove forests around Desa and Pantai Cemara Labat (Pine Beach), Kapuas Kuala district.

Of monitoring conducted found that the monkeys around the village and the beach of Cemara Labat totaling 3 groups and each group consisted of ten average monkeys.

Based on the Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia, Monkey is a term for all members of the primates are not prosimia (“pre-monkeys” like lemurs and tarsiers), or apes, both living in the Old World and New World.

Until now 264 known monkey species that live in the world. Unlike apes, monkeys usually tailed and smaller. Monkeys are known to learn and use tools to help in getting food.

Grouping is parafiletik monkeys, because the Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) is actually closer genetic kinship with the apes (Hominidae), rather than New World monkeys (Platyrrhini).

The monkeys in the mangrove forest at Cemara Labat Beach is a long-tailed monkeys in the community designation as WARIK (Macaca fascicularis).

Long-tailed monkeys has been utilized humans as pet animal or animals to help their daily work. Long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) is the most common animals interact with humans and is often maintained, used as a circus animal or laboratory experiments. He is also the first primate ever to outer space.

With the still exist of  3 (three) herd of monkeys in the mangroves around the coast and the village of Cemara Labat the Kapuas Regency still has a flora and fauna that can be utilized as a tourist attraction as well as protected forest areas.

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011


Posted on August 18, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

Is a reality when we visited the beach at Cemara Labat, Kapuas Kuala District, Kapuas Regency and found the children is being moved about on the shoreline is muddy thick.

What is it? Are they playing in the Java sea water salty? Apparently not. Apparently they’re looking for something among the piles of rubbish and fro onslaught of waves of the sea water murky.

Then what are they looking for? Apparently a group of children of primary school age are being collided looking wood resin in an attempt to add the family economy.

With this fact can be guessed that the condition of children of primary school age it must also think about the economic condition of their parents, are lucky if they still go to school anyway.

Collection of wood waste resin collected by the children’s ward at Cemara Labat Beach was eventually sold to collectors of resin so that early on they had learned to live independently and to think economically.

This is a piece of the facts of school age children in Beach Cemara Labat, Kapuas Kuala District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province as an afterthought for us all.

Senin, 25 Juli 2011


Photo by Hendra Aprilius Jaya

The 2011 Motorcycle Racing Regional Championship trophy in Kapuas District took place on Saturday and Sunday, 23 and July 24, 2011 in Circuit at Sports Complex Stadium “Panunjung Tarung” Kuala Kapuas.

In the event this time, Andi Crosser of Kuala Kapuas “Semut Ireng” Moto Club managed to become the best racer and won the bonus of a Honda Beat motorcycle from the Bupati Kapuas HM Mawardi. Achievement of successful by Andi Semut Ireng be the best able to cope with this after Crosser 135 other competitors.

In motor racing event this year is very interesting thing happened when a little Crosser named Hamid Kubas, aged 11 years and just sitting in class 4 SD (elementary school) turned out to show the might participate in the race arena and be able to grab third position for two different numbers, that is a beginner class and class matic 130 open.

Motorcycle Racing Event “Bupati Cup 2011″ will hold a competition Bebek Kapuas class 125 CC 4 Tak Tune Up Open, Bebek 110 CC 4 Tak Tune Up, Bebek 125 CC 4 Tak A  Beginner’s Tune Up, Bebek 110 CC 4 Tak Beginners A, Bebek 125 CC 4 Tak Beginner standard A, Bebek 110 CC 4 Tak Beginner B, Matic 130 CC Open standards, Bebek 2 Tak 110 CC standard Open, Bebek 110 CC 4 Tak standard Starter Kapuas, Matic 110 CC 4 Tak standard Showroom Honda Beat and Matic Bore Up until 200 CC 4 Tak Open.

In this Kejurda or regional racing witnessed by Bupati Kapuas HM Mawardi, it was fully the participants who come to compete from the local Crosser Kapuas district and other districts in Central Kalimantan Province, also attended by the cosser respite from the neighboring province of South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011


Posted on July 25, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

In preparing for the Independence Day of Indonesia on August 17, 2011, Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas re-implement the selection for the force of flag raisers (Paskibraka) Kapuas District Level.

Activities selection starts on Friday, July 22, 2011, at 08.00 am in the morning, housed in the front and side yard of the Kapuas District of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Affairs.

In the selection of the overall,  number of applicants for this year are 258 students came from several sub-districts of Kapuas district, with the largest senders from Kecamatan Selat who sent participants from all the existing high school.

Details of the candidate registries for forces flag raisers 2011  of the daughter as 115 people and son as much143 people.

In the implementation of selection in height and health, participants who had survived as many as 154 people, while the rest is disqualified.

Of the total participants then take the test arts and passed the all.

The last test in the form of regulation marching (PBB), the son of the participants who passed as many as 90 people and the daughter of 24 people.

And the end result that selected 18 sons and 12 daughters. Meanwhile, for all 45 forces drawn from full Paskibraka force 2009 and 2010 as many as 40 people.

Health Team who played a part in this year’s selection of Puskesmas Selat. The coach / trainer of KODIM 1011 Kapuas, Kapuas District Police Officers and the Kapuas District Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism.

Training and quarantine for Paskibraka Kapuas Regency in 2011 is centered at the Hotel Roos, Jalan Tambun Bungai Kuala Kapuas. While the practice field was centered at the Sports Stadium Complex “Panunjung Tarung” Kuala Kapuas.

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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011


Posted on July 20, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

The Kapuas Art Team that represented the Province of Central Kalimantan won in the Performing Arts of the National Redcross Meet 2011 in the province of Gorontalo.

National Jumbara 2011 was held from 3 to July 10, 2011 housed on the open air main stage of Gorontalo.

In the event of Central Kalimantan Province Arts Team fight with a dance “TARUNG MANDAU”,  featuring dancers of 10 people comprising four sons and six daughters.

Tari TARUNG MANDAU (Saber fight dance) presented by the Kapuas District Youth Red Cross (PMR)   in cooperation with the Regional Dance Studio “Tingang Menteng Pahunjung Tarung” Kuala Kapuas, with choreographer Erliansyah Narpan M Apoi, fashion stylist M. Noor Indra Mahendra and arranger Ari Pratama.

Central Kalimantan province contingent led by the group leader Dra. Marlina (PMI Central Kalimantan) and Zonnun Almikhri (PMI Kapuas).

The success of the Kapuas Regency dance team won a national achievement is not separated from the coaching that has been granted by the Trustees / Chairman of the PMI Kapuas Regency, Drs. Nurul Edy.

Success Central Kalimantan province on Jumbara won National Champion 2011 in the Province of Gorontalo is encouraging as the success of art performances was followed by a whole team of art from all provinces in Indonesia and 15 contingent of foreign participants.

As for the championship rankings at the performing arts is the Winner of Central Kalimantan Province, Second Place Winner of Papua Province and Bali Province III achieved. Meanwhile, from all the activities that followed, both in the form of bhakti UKS, conference, blood donors, watsan, traveling, PP, hygiene, planting, etc., Central Kalimantan Province won the National IV rating.