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Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


Repro - Friday, December 10, 2010


KUALAKAPUAS - Potential of nature and culture will become as the main capital of the tourism industry in Kapuas. Even 2012, the district began to declare Visit Kapuas Year or year excursions.

For the program, the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture, and Tourism (Disporabudpar) Kapuas on January 11, 2011 is scheduled to have exposure to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture in Jakarta. Some things are also to be conveyed regarding the redesign Pulau Telo (Telo Island).
"With the natural and cultural potential that is owned, Kapuas ready excursions is celebrating 2012. Just polish it so that in time there is enough to fix all that is needed," said  Edy Lukman Hakim, Disporabudpar Chief   on Thursday (12/09/2010).

 In addition to natural attractions Pulau Telo, another potential offered in the course of this visit among other tourist attractions on the River of Kapuas is Betang Sungai Pasah (long house), District Kapuashilir. This remembering, rebuilding houses betang has begun work on in 2011.
Pulau Telo development plan as a tourist area before starting any signs materialized after a consortium of companies from Malaysia expressed interest in running the island.
Although the feasibility study so far has not been carried out by the prospective investors, Edy said they were optimistic the program redesign over the island will attract foreign and domestic tourists.
In its history, plans to develop the island was once stuck in the era of 1996 when the program a million hectares of peatland development implemented.
Even when the PT Sumatra Timur Indonesia (STI) from Jakarta, the construction of footbridge at one of the islands in question, but the program is halted when the economic crisis and in 1999 PLG discontinued.
Geographically, the area that is now divided into four island located not far from the capital of the Kapuas easily approached by means of water transport. While the bridge that divides the trans Kalimantan Kapuas River, Pulau Telo can be seen.
   Discourse Pulau Telo as a place to make this tour have re-emerged in 2002 and 2005.

"If the previous Pulau Telo tourism development will be divided into four zones, namely zone of recreation, the executive (in the form of lodging) bird park as a tourist, and water park, will be added culinary tourism zones," said Edy. 

Posted by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor

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