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Minggu, 19 Desember 2010


Palangka Winner of Cultural and Art Festival 2010

 08-11-2010 07:03Repro Harian Daily Tabengan, Palangkaraya

Palangkaraya host won the overall championship Cultural ang Arts Festival, a high school student level Kalteng 2010, which previously held the South Barito Regency. The festival has ended, Saturday (6/ 11-2010) on Sanaman Mantikei Stadium.

A sense of emotion and pride in covering the 25 participants Palangkaraya team after successfully bringing the rotating trophy, a high school student level Kalteng 2010. The Kota Cantik contingent gathered five championship categories, second winner vocal solo, vocal solo champion hopes III's daughter, the first winner of painting ornaments, the first winner of painting legends, and I hope the race dance champion coast.
Won second place team from the Kapuas district, followed by East Kotawaringin County ranked third. Activities that take place during four days of closed head of the Department of Tourism and Culture, Rusdianyah, representing the Central Kalimantan Governor Agustin Teras Narang.
"It's one of the local culture and art conservation. Should all be able to understand to encourage tourism development in Central Kalimantan as well as motivating the younger generation is more loving culture of the region, "said Terrace, in written remarks.
Reminded, each region has specific uniqueness and distinctiveness of its own in the arts and culture should be developed to maintain, preserve, and respect local wisdom in the future.
"To all the participants from the districts / cities in Central Kalimantan, keep working, and for the committee in organizing this event for an evaluation as a follow up to a better future," pleaded the Governor.
Jonson mentions the Executive Committee, who competed at the Festival of Cultural Arts Senior High School Student Level, among others, ornaments and painting competition in building the legend of Arts Sports and Tourism Department Kebuayaan Palangkaraya. Competition dance coastal, inland and vocal solo competitions held in the courtyard Sanaman Mantikei. He said he hopes this event can be implemented on an ongoing basis in order to preserve the local cultural arts to be more known and loved by the younger generation, especially high school students. The next festival will be held at the Regency East Kotawaringin in 2012. 
Posted by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

SANDONG (Graveyard stumbled)

Copied from "Kapuas Berbagi"

Stumbled is located in the village of Sei Pasah, Kapuas Hilir Sub District, Kabupaten Kapuas. 

Published by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos



Copied from "Kapuas Berbagi"

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Sandong", photo by Carl Mattheus Vischer (between 1927-1943).

(Courtesy of mission 21, evangelisches missionswerk Basel )

When viewed from Dajacksch-Deutsches Wörterbuch Dictionary, the meaning Sandong are:

SANDONG, die gossen, Schon mit Schnitzwerk verzierten Sarge, in welche man beim tiwah, Totenfeste, die Noch aus dem Knochen übrig gebliebenen roar, dem vorläufigen Sarge, bringt. Ein solcher ist eine Art Sandong Familienbegräbnis; er lange Jahre benutzt werden kann. Er steht OFT weit entfernt vom WohntPlätze Gestorbenen des auf einem der heiligen Familie Platze, 12-18 Fuss uber der Erde, auf zu zierlich Menschenbildern ausgeschnitzten Pfosten, Unter einem Blatterdache. - Der ist ein Sandong roared grosserer Sandong, in welchen der ganze beim tiwah Raung gebracht wird; gewohnlich er ist so gross, das 6 Raung neben einander, und 5 Raung Darin Platz haben über einander. (S. Auch und djirap kariring.) - Hasandong, Sandong einen haben. - Manjandong, einen neuen Sandong aufrichten. - Sasandong, sandosandoug, als ein Sandong, ie empor ragen Hoch, (grosse, stehende Thiere.) Aton bawoi himba ndau, sasandong, es war. eben ein Schwein wildes da, Hoch ragte es in die Hohe. - Barasandong, alle Hoch in die Hohe ragen.
Published by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos


Copied from "Kapuas Berbagi"


Stumbled is located at the entrance to SMAN 1 Mantangai in Mantangai Hulu Village, Sub District Mantangai. Below we stumbled see there are two pots (which by the Basel Mission's often referred to as The Holy Pot) 

Published by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor

Kapuas District Historical Review

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Taken from : Informasi Kapuas



Kuala Kapuas built long before the existence of the capital of Central Kalimantan, Palangkaraya. Kapuas District is one of the former autonomous region and unoccupied Kotawaringin Dayak Besar included in the Residency area of South Kalimantan. Ngaju Dayak tribe were the original inhabitants Kapuas. This tribe is composed of two sub-tribes: Tribe-Kahayan Kapuas and Ot Danum, settled on the right and the left bank of the river Kapuas Kahayan. Sports Kapuas-Kahayan settled on the right side and left side of the river Kapuas river Kahayan between downstream until the middle of the river, while the Sports Ot Danum upstream of the second river.
According heritage "Tetek Tatum", the ancestor of the Dayak tribe Ngaju initially settled around the mountains in Central Kalimantan Schwaner (Alang, 1981). It was only in the next development Dayak Ngaju tribe settled and spread along the river bank and river Kapuas Kahayan.

The spread of settlements along side rivers and river Kapuas Kahayan can not be known with certainty at the start, because there is no legacy in the form of written or finished goods (artfa) within the article. It was only in about  XIV century in a manuscript written by a poet Nagarakrtagama Prapanca of Majapahit in the year 1365 AD, mentions the existence of these settlements. Later in the script Hikayat Banjar, Chinese news during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) and the Edicts of the agreement between the Sultan of Banjarmasin with the Dutch government carried stories of the nineteenth century settlement along the Kapuas River and the river called the settlement Lewu Juking Kahayan.

Lewu Juking long menage a settlement located near the mouth of the Kapuas river moody (the western part of Pulau Petak delta which empties into the Java Sea), approximately 10 kilometers from the coast of Java Sea. Settlement is quite a lot, along with the settlements around such settlements and settlement Badapaung other until the mouth of the canal, has a population of around 1,000 heads of families. Settlement Lewu Juking and surrounding settlements led by a chieftain named Raden Labih.

Population Lewu Juking and surrounding residents are often attacked by a group of pirates, although several times the group of pirates to being beaten back by residents Lewu Juking and surrounding areas, but residents feel safe kuarng live in the area, so that in 1800 many people moved residence to find a place far from disruption the pirates.

As a result of population movement Lewu Juking and surrounding areas, then along the river and the river Kapuas Joyless emerging new settlements, like the river Kapuas Joyless appear Bakungin settlement led by Malik Raksapati, across the River settlement Palingkau Tatas emerged led by Damboeng Sir, Handiwung River settlement led by Damboeng Duyu, settlement Apui River (across from Palingkai) led by Raden Labih who later succeeded by his son Tamanggung Ambu. Being on the banks of the Kapuas River there are new settlements such as River Basarang, Pulau Telo, River Bapalas and River Kanamit that the names of the new leaders are known in the event of armed resistance against the Dutch in the vicinity of Kuala Kapuas (1859-1860). Basarang River led by Commander Tako, led by Commander Bapalas River Unyek, and River Kanamit Officials led by Sutil.

Settlements on the River Betang Passover, is the only evidence of history in the city of Kuala Kapuas that still exist. In subsequent developments in 1806 serve as a milestone in the establishment of City of Kuala Kapuas.


In October 1835, 29 years after the settlement betang built, the Dutch came to set foot for the first time on earth Kapuas. According to historical records, Zacharias Hartman, an employee Binnenlandsch Bestuur (Pangrehpraja), was the Dutch who first came on the land of Kapuas. He began to travel by boat oar work exploring the river and the river Kapuas Joyless to Jangkang. Since the river Apui he was accompanied by a guide.

In subsequent historical developments, relations with the Dutch Kapuas identical with the relationship of warfare. Why not, since the Dutch set foot on earth has happened several times Kapuas war. Call it among other Banjarmasin War (1859-1863). In this battle, the station-station in the area of the Kapuas Zending-Kahayan closed down by Dutch and Palingkai considered by the Dutch as a hotbed of insurgents.

On June 16, 1859, Dutch troops under the command of Captain Mariner Van Hasselt with 2 Palingkai warships attacked and burned all the buildings there. Banjarmasin War ended in early March 1863. As a result of this war Kingdom of Banjar deleted Gubernemen subsequently incorporated into the Dutch East Indies.

Then, the war continues with Barito war (1865-1905). Armed resistance in the vicinity of Kuala Kapuas (1859-1860), Tewah War (1885-1886) which erupted in the region Kahayan Hulu, in this war the Dutch put his military post in Kuala Kurun with post help him in Tuyun (Kahayan Central) and in Muara Kawatan (Middle Kapuas) and placed back in Kuala Kapuas military post.

In order to monitor traffic in the waters of the Kapuas district, in February 1860 the Dutch built fort at the End of Joyless (about the home office of Regent of the moment), the place called Kuala Kapuas. The name is taken from Kuala Kapuas Ngaju Dayak language, the language used by the locals, who call the region as Tumbang Kapuas. In this region the Dutch appoint an official in the rank Gezaghebber (Stakeholder power) called Broers concurrently as commander of the fort. In addition to the above officials, Tamanggung Nicodemus Jayanegara and Nicodemus Ambu or appointed as the head of the district. And in March 1863 Tamanggung Nicodemus Jayanegara build betang in Hampatung.



News Japanese power collapse followed by the proclamation of Indonesian independence Kapuas known by the public through the daily Banjarmasin Borneo Shimbun, published on August 25, 1945. The news conveyed by the envoy of Kalimantan yan just returned from Jakarta, namely A. A Hamidhan and A. A. Rival brothers. At that time, the Japanese are still in control until the allied forces, Australian soldiers.

Australian troops under the command of Colonel Robson came in charge of disarming the Japanese troops. The delegation of the Dutch troops armed organization NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Administration) under the leadership of Major Van Assenderp joined Australian troops ride. Before the Australian troops leave Banjarmasin on October 24, 1945, the NICA has compiled Administration to South Borneo region under the leadership of the Resident Abley. Where Kapuas recombined with the Barito and Sampit including the unit unoccupied Kotawaringin Afdelling Kapuas - Barito, similar to the circumstances at the time before the Japanese occupation.

After the Japanese occupation, by early December 1945 the Dutch side has not touched the Kapuas region, although their instructions have been conveyed to the Indonesian authorities that the former Gucho (District Head) in Kuala Kapuas and Kuala Kurun to perform governmental duties as usual. It was only on December 17, 1945 the Dutch (NICA) came directly to Kuala Kapuas, and getting people's struggle under the leadership of Haji Alwi around 9.8 kilometers Anjir tightly.

In the year 1946 with solid Dutch rule in Borneo, Kapuas region that is divided to form new Orderdistrik Downstream capital of Kuala Kapuas Kapuas, West Kapuas Orderdistrik Mandomai its capital, its capital Pujon Orderdistrik Middle Kapuas, Central Kahayan Orderdistrik Pahandut its capital, its capital Downstream Kahayan Orderdistrik Home Knives and Orderdistrik Hulu Kahayan with Tewah capital.

Meanwhile, on December 27, 1946 in Banjarmasin formed the Regional Council of Dayak Besar, which is a Local Government Agency which includes Apdeling Kapuas, Barito (excluding Lanschap Kotawaringin) on the basis of Zeltbestuur Regeling (unoccupied Regulation) 1938 and as chairman is Groneveld (former Assistant Resident), Vice Chairman and Secretary Raden Cyrillus Kesranegara and Mahir Mahar. This is the first council was formed in Kalimantan.

In 1948 the Regional Council elections are held Dayak Besar in multilevel systems of every 100 (hundred) people voting to appoint a chief selector, which is directly voted against the proposed candidate. And was elected as chairman Haji Alwi, vice chairman  Helmuth Konom, Secretary Roosenshoen, daily management limbs Markasi from Sampit, Barthleman from Barito, Adenan Maratif and ED Tundang of the Kapuas.

In January 1950 the Regional Council officially joined the Dayak Besar RIS Territory became part of the Republic of Indonesia Regional States. But in this situation the people wanted a unitary state, rather than compromise the Federated States of Netherlands, as in the following events:

1. Resolution of a combination of the Four Party (PNI, SKI, Pakat Dayak and Parkindo) dated February 5, 1950 Great Dayak Region of the Republic of Indonesia is not affiliated with the Regional Section of RIS.

2. Date March 21, 1950 a demonstration demanding the dissolution of the Regional Council under the leadership of Dayak Besar Mochran Ali and Helmuth Konom, both members of the Senate RIS.

3. Date 1 April 1950 a large meeting in Kuala Kapuas and decided to send 3 delegates (AA Samat, Abuzarin, and Sukimin Mustawiradji) to Yogyakarta in the context of the delivery of voice of the people who demanded the dissolution of the Regional Council of Dayak Besar, but not so depart.

On 14 April 1950 on the basis of people's demand is based on the belief itself to meet the aspirations of the people, the Regional Council of Dayak Besar determine the attitude of fusion themselves officially into the Republic of Indonesia. And with the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number C.17/15/3 dated June 29, 1950 set about the areas in Kalimantan, which has been incorporated in the Republic of Indonesia with the administration of government consists of 6 districts namely Banjarmasin, Hulu Sungai, Kota Baru, Barito , Kapuas and Kotawaringin and 3 autonomous regions of Kutai, Berau and Bulungan.

At the end of 1950 the Head Office of the Kapuas Preparation Wedana F. Dehen entered a period of retirement and handed over to Markasi (Former Member of the Regional Council of Dayak Besar). Later in the month of January 1951 was replaced by Patih Bernstein Baboe. During this period the Kapuas inaugurated. Precisely on the day Wednesday, March 21, 1951 in Kuala Kapuas inauguration done by the Minister of the Interior and at the same time appoint Members of the House of Representatives of the Region, while consisting of representatives of political parties and non-political organization of Masyumi, Parkindo, PNI, Muhammadiyah and other other. At that time the Regents have not selected and temporarily handed over to Patih Barnstein Baboe as chief executive.

In early May 1951 was appointed as Regent Raden Badrussapati Regional Head of Kapuas first inauguration was held on May 9, 1951 by Governor Murjani on behalf of the Minister of Home Affairs. Kapuas community, each dated March 21, declared the anniversary of the Kapuas district that coincided with the inauguration of the Regional Government of Kapuas district.


Copied from:
Ali, B. (2006). Build Kapuas, Banjarmasin: Center for Community Development Studies (COMDES) Kalimantan cooperate with the National Development Planning and Investment (BPPMD) Kapuas

Published by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010


Official Name: Kapuas DistrictCapital: Kuala KapuasProvince: Central Kalimantan 

North: North Barito regency and West Kalimantan ProvinceSouth: Java SeaWest: East Kotawaringin DistrictEast: South Kalimantan Province and the District of South Barito 
Area: 14.999 km2Total Population: 328,514 People (Year 2004)Administrative Region:Districts: 12, Village: 127, Village: 14 



A BRIEF HISTORY OF DISTRICT KAPUASThe native Dayak Tribe Kapuas Ngaju is composed of 2 (two) tribes namely:  1. Suku Oloh Kapuas - Kahayan, settled in the area downstream and midstream Kahayan and Kapuas.    2. Spare Oloh Ot Danum, settled in the upstream river and Kapuas Kahayan.

Anthropologically, Dayak Tribe in Kalimantan, including data on Old Malay (Proto Malayid) that live in groups and ancestral religious belief (Acientenisme).

Since the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945 when the arrival of Australian troops in charge of disarming the Japanese under the command of Colonel Robson who joined the Dutch group ride from NICA armed organization under the leadership of Major Van Assenderp. Before the Australian troops leave Banjarmasin (24-10-1945) NICA party has established Administration for South Berneo region under the leadership of the Resident Abley.

Until the beginning of December 1945 the Dutch have not even touched Kapuas their instructions have been conveyed to the officials of the former Guncho Indonesia (District Head) in Kuala Kapuas and Kuala Kurun to perform administration tasks as usual and for the first time local officials Party (Hoofd Van Plaatselijk Bestuur) in the previous period is held by a Dutchman, Gezaghebber or controller in the place concerned.

On December 17, 1945 the Dutch / NICA come directly to Kuala Kapuas to pass through people's resistance by Haji Alwi around 9.8 Kilometers Anjir tightly.

In the year 1946 with solid Dutch rule in Borneo, Kapuas area slightly divided by forming new onderdistrik onderdistrik Downstream capital of Kuala Kapuas, West Kapuas onderdistrik Mandomai its capital, its capital Pujon onderdistrik Middle Kapuas, Central Kahayan onderdistrik Pahandut its capital, its capital Downstream Kahayan onderdistrik Home Knife and onderdistrik Kahayan (Tewah Hulu).

At the end of 1946 (December 27, 1946) in Banjarmasin formed Regional Council Dayak Besar, which is a Local Government Agency which includes Apdeling Kapuas Barito (not including landschap Kotawaringin) on the basis of Zelfbestuurs Regeling (Regulation unoccupied) in 1938, as Chairman of the Groeneveld ( eka assistant resident), Vice Chairman and Secretary Raden Cyrillus Kersanegara and Mahir Mahar. This is the first Council formed in Kalimantan.

In 1948 held the election of members of the Board Dayak Besar in multilevel selection system that is every 100 people voting to appoint a chief selector, which directly vote against candidates who advanced. The result of the election, was elected as Chairman Haji Alwi, Vice Chairman Helmuth Kunom, Secretary Roosenshoen. Members of the Executive Committee is Markasi of Sampit, Barthleman Kiutn from Barito, Adenan Matarip and ED Tundang of the Kapuas.

In January 1950 the Regional Council of the Great Dayak officially incorporated in the RIS area became part of the Republic of Indonesia Regional States. But in this situation requires people wanted a unitary state, rather than compromise the results of the Federated States of Holland as in the events as follows.

1. Resolution of a combination of the Four Party (PNI, SKI, Pakat Dayak and Parkindo) dated 5 February 1950 Great Dayak Region of the Republic of Indonesia is not affiliated with the Regional Section of RIS.

2. Date March 21, 1950 occurred demonstration demanding the dissolution of the Regional Council under the leadership of the Great Dayak Mochran Ali and Helmuth Kunom both members of the Senate RIS.

3. Date 1 April 1950 meeting in Kuala Kapuas giant took the decision to send three delegates (AA Samat, Abuzarin and Sukimin Mustawiradji) to Yogyakarta in the context of the delivery of voice of the people who demanded the dissolution of the Regional Council of Dayak Besar, but not so depart.

On 14 April 1950 on the basis of people's demand is based on the belief itself to meet the aspirations of the people, the Regional Council of Dayak Besar determine the attitude of fusion themselves officially into the Republic of Indonesia.

By the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number C.17/15/3 dated June 29, 1950 set of areas in Kalimantan, which has been incorporated in the Republic of Indonesia with Administrative Region Government was composed of 6 districts namely Banjarmasin, Hulu Sungai, Kota Baru, Barito, Kapuas and Kotawaringin and 3 unoccupied area of Kutai, Berau and Bulungan.

At the end of 1950 the Head Office of the Kapuas Preparation Wedana F. Dehen retire and handed over to Markasi (Former Member of the Regional Council of Dayak Besar). Later in the month of January 1951 Markasi replaced by Patih Barnstein Beboe. On Wednesday March 21, 1951 in Kuala Kapuas Kapuas inauguration done by the Minister of the Interior and at the same time appoint the members of the House of Representatives, the Regional Meanwhile consisting of representatives of political parties and non-Political Organization of Masyumi, Parkindo, PNI, Muhammadiyah and others. At that time the Regents have not selected and temporarily handed over to Patih Barnstein Baboe as the Chief Executive.

In early May 1951 was appointed as Regent Raden Badrussapari Regional Head of Kapuas first. Inauguration was held on May 9, 1951 by Governor Murdjani on behalf of the Minister of Home Affairs. Kapuas community every March 21, declared the day so Kapuas and coincided with the inauguration of the Regional Government of Kapuas district.

In the history of the development process of government, community life and development in Kapuas District, is certainly a lot of ups and downs and experienced the bitter getirnya considering the condition of the location of the Kapuas District 34 800 km2 (3.48 million hectares), mainly the forest, major rivers / small, marsh / inundation, beach / sea, a thin population, settlements are not evenly dispersed and people's livelihoods are farming and even then is still moving.

In 2003 the Kapuas district has been divided into 3 (three) districts of Kapuas district as a district parent with a capital of Kuala Kapuas consists of 12 districts, District of Pulang Pisau with a capital consists of 6 districts and districts with the capital Kuala Kurun (Gunung Mas).

Efforts to overcome the various challenges and constraints faced in this area for sure is by working hard. We should be grateful to God Almighty that thanks to the hard work of the Local Government Leader and Leader of the Central Government, to date Kapuas can we wake up and can finally be enjoyed by the community.


Logo Meaning

1. BASICKapuas District Regulation No. 12 of 1976 dated October 4, 1976
2. MATERIAL SYMBOL REGIONKapuas District Symbol consists of:
Base Coat dark green.b. Ark black "BANAMA Tingang" c. Bird's Head, facing rightd. Shield / Telabang with Red and White colore. Bintang Pancasila in golden yellow

f.  Yellow-colored woven rattan mats.g. Painting three waves each blue sea.h. Strands of golden yellow rice.i.  Flowers golden yellow cotton.j.  Golden yellow ribbon hook.

a. Basic color dark green means the natural state of wilderness areas as well as other herbs that are beneficial to residents.
b. Bird's Ark Tingang, Local Government symbolizes a sturdy, strong, wise and authoritative.
c. Bird's Ark facing to the right, symbolizing the State Law, justice and truth and honesty prevailing in that Government.
d. Shield / Telabang Red and White color, symbolizing the personality Typical of Indonesian culture.
e. Bintang Pancasila Golden Yellow color, symbolizing the Government based on Pancasila and in a container that is the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
f. Rattan mat is craft and simultaneously symbolize the regional culture.
g. Three waves, symbolize the three major rivers that flow in the Kapuas which is the lifeblood of livelihood and economic activities and is a cheap source of good fortune and eternal.

Posted by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor,  S.Sos

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Historical Objects Found in the Kapuas River

Repro Karya Pujangga
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 | Labels: Mystery

Two traditional divers find "keris" and "kancip" raksasa (stripper / cutter betel nuts) along the 1.5-meter in Kapuas river, precisely under the bridge of Pulau Telo Island, District of Kapuas, Central Kalimantan Province.
Village residents Keramat, "digegerkan" with the discovery of the keris and kancip or areca nut splitting giant knife by two traditional divers namely Henry (21) and Yanto (28) resident RT 2 shaped dagger that has a unique carvings on the base, but the handle of the keris does not exist. 
Similarly with the kancip, the edges shaped like a bird typical Dayak holy bird "tingang" Kalteng.

According to the inventor Henry sacred objects, there are some irregularities when the visitors were brave enough to touch the dagger is, as stiff as their hands touched the iron which is thought to have lived 300 years old. Because of that, Henry was not interested to sell the dagger and giant kancip findings it. "What I want to buy still more, just I do not intend to sell it first, because I do not get the instructions, either from a dream and whisper magical," he said ....


There is a relationship with a History of the Kingdom of Bataguh

Tentative conclusions, Indonesian traditional weapon was related to the Kingdom of Bataguh are believed to have stood in the Kapuas. "At that time, the Kingdom Bataguh led Nyai Undang," said Manli, one of the indigenous Dayak. The shape is not the typical weapon of Dayak, Central Kalimantan.
It is estimated, these weapons come down with the ship that could be attacking the Kingdom Bataguh. The battle is expected to occur around 1400 AD. "Kingdom of Bataguh have a large area in the Kapuas, and  Pulau Telo is one of them," said Manli.

He explained that, previously also been found guns in the Kapuas River and not far from the island of Telo. Precisely in Mandomai, Kapuas District West. These findings strengthen the analysis of the history of the war kingdom Bataguh with strangers.

The Inventors KerisAt the end of the giant dagger found that there are seven holes. That said, the hole shows that the dagger had been consuming the lives of people. "Just like a typical weapon Dayak saber, if there are holes in the ends, it signifies that the arms were never eliminate someone's life," he said.

Chairman of the Council of Indigenous Dayak Kapuas Anggie Ruhan said the same. He also suspected a link between these and the Kingdom Bataguh dagger. Both objects were predicted over 300 years old.  It is said, the inventor of that thing called "supernatural power" (luck) in Dayak languages because not everyone can get. "The item has a magical power. Usually, the inventor of the Keris is a person elected, "he said.

Published by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S.Sos


Repro KOMPAS Com Wednesday, July 22, 2009 | 3:22 pm
IGN Sawabi

Kuala Kapuas, Central Kalimantan,
Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporabudpar) Kapuas, (Central Kalimantan) will bring in archaeologists to researh the "keris" and  "kancip raksasa" along the 1.5 meters of finding two the traditional divers.

"We have contacted the Department of Culture and Tourism of Central Kalimantan Province to conduct research on both historical objects," said Head of Cultural, Disporabudpar Kapuas, Yuliani Asi, told reporters in Kuala Kapuas, Tuesday.

Based on direct observation by his side, the two objects are historical relics that are made around the 18th century.

However, for certainty, should first wait for the results of research of archaeologists.

To the findings of the two residents, the company would report to the Regents Kapuas and request assistance for these objects can be guarded by the police.

"We also ask the inventor of the object is to not sell to collectors of historical objects as cultural objects that were reserved," he said.

Keris and Kancip was found by Henry (21) and Yanto (28) resident RT 2  Kelurahan Murung Keramat, Kecamatan Selat, the day-to-day work as a traditional diver in Us, July 9, 2009 around 15:00 pm under the bridge  Pulau Telo.

The discovery of these objects began when they set out on a routine as a diver in the Kapuas river to search for objects in the bottom of the river such as wood, iron, and other items that have value.

At that time, Henry served as a dive, while Yanto keep the boat by controlling the compressor as a ventilator.

Around 15:00 pm, Henry as the dive to surface of the river by bringing an iron bar and was surprised to find out things that gets it is the object of a weapon dagger with seven bends and large.

"When I discovered, a dagger stuck into the ground by his side, only the base that does not sink into the ground," he said.

After getting the thing, Henry tried to return to dive with a sense of curiosity, and again re-discover who is also a giant-sized, not far from the location of the discovery of the keris.

Keris has found the carvings at their base with gagang which no longer exists.

While the Kancip, its handle shaped like a bird which is the typical  Tingang Dayak of Central Kalimantan, have a chain on part end of the handle, on top there kancip circular metal dots and lined.

Aware of the discovery of a large dagger and Kancip, until now people still flocked to see the findings near the Wawan and Yanto.

According to Henry, there are some irregularities when the visitors were brave enough to touch the dagger, the hands will feel like a stiff.

Source : Antara

Posted by  Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos.