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Selasa, 06 September 2011

TAPAI “ANSTERDAM”, Special Snack of Kuala Kapuas

Special snack feast of Kuala Kapuas in holiday of Idul Fitri or Idul Adha is Tapai or fermented casava. This snack made by distinctive community who are living in  Anjir Serapat or Banjaris Canal.  Snacks are always present in a treat for guests who come to silaturrahim.

Kuala Kapuas’s tapai produced continuously by the population especially as close as Anjir Serapat is Tapai Jawau or Cassava fermented food.

Kuala Kapuas typical fermented cassava is also known as Tapai Ansterdam or Tapai Anjir Serapat Dalam which means as Deep Anjir homemade Tapai or Ansterdam.

Tapai Ansterdam has been repeatedly promoted by the Government of Kapuas Regency in various occasions such as Central Kalimantan Expo, National Exhibition of Agricultural Production and other marketing outside.

Bupati Kapuas H Ir Muhammad Mawardi also pleased to promote tapai Ansterdam on various occasions, one of them at the suave night  Kapuas District Government with the Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange on 11 February 2011 in Kuala Kapuas.