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Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011



One of the unique surrounding Cemara Labat beach in Kapuas Kuala district is an open field or a wild prairie.

Open desert terrain of this area lies between the coastal mangrove forest fir Cemara Labat Beach or Cemara Labat village. Between the beach and pasture land are separated by a dike that ran partition between them.

Vast grassland is partly used by local farmers to farm while mostly still a vast expanse of grass stretches.

Agricultural yields obtained by farmers after the use of the vast expanse of open beach Cemara Labat is cassava, maize, cassava, sweet potato, eggplant, chilies, beans and vegetables. And at certain seasons also produced watermelons, waluh, cucumber and other agricultural crops.

The main characteristics in the meadows Cemara Labat is the utilization of humus and litter the sea brought the Java sea waves so that farming here at all without any fertilizer.

Pantai Cemara Labat’s prairie inhabited by various species of butterflies, especially the butterflies in the black, brown, yellow and white.

This area is also inhabited by mongoose, monitor lizards, small birds and snakes sucking flower meadow. That most of this is found in the desert locust.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011


Kapuas Regency really have a region rich in flora and fauna typical of Borneo. One proof that wealth is a flock of free-living monkeys in the mangrove forests around Desa and Pantai Cemara Labat (Pine Beach), Kapuas Kuala district.

Of monitoring conducted found that the monkeys around the village and the beach of Cemara Labat totaling 3 groups and each group consisted of ten average monkeys.

Based on the Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia, Monkey is a term for all members of the primates are not prosimia (“pre-monkeys” like lemurs and tarsiers), or apes, both living in the Old World and New World.

Until now 264 known monkey species that live in the world. Unlike apes, monkeys usually tailed and smaller. Monkeys are known to learn and use tools to help in getting food.

Grouping is parafiletik monkeys, because the Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) is actually closer genetic kinship with the apes (Hominidae), rather than New World monkeys (Platyrrhini).

The monkeys in the mangrove forest at Cemara Labat Beach is a long-tailed monkeys in the community designation as WARIK (Macaca fascicularis).

Long-tailed monkeys has been utilized humans as pet animal or animals to help their daily work. Long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) is the most common animals interact with humans and is often maintained, used as a circus animal or laboratory experiments. He is also the first primate ever to outer space.

With the still exist of  3 (three) herd of monkeys in the mangroves around the coast and the village of Cemara Labat the Kapuas Regency still has a flora and fauna that can be utilized as a tourist attraction as well as protected forest areas.

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011


Posted on August 18, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

Is a reality when we visited the beach at Cemara Labat, Kapuas Kuala District, Kapuas Regency and found the children is being moved about on the shoreline is muddy thick.

What is it? Are they playing in the Java sea water salty? Apparently not. Apparently they’re looking for something among the piles of rubbish and fro onslaught of waves of the sea water murky.

Then what are they looking for? Apparently a group of children of primary school age are being collided looking wood resin in an attempt to add the family economy.

With this fact can be guessed that the condition of children of primary school age it must also think about the economic condition of their parents, are lucky if they still go to school anyway.

Collection of wood waste resin collected by the children’s ward at Cemara Labat Beach was eventually sold to collectors of resin so that early on they had learned to live independently and to think economically.

This is a piece of the facts of school age children in Beach Cemara Labat, Kapuas Kuala District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province as an afterthought for us all.