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Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


Posted by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporabudpar) Kapuas implement Information and Dissemination one day about the “Dangers of Drugs for Youth and Adolescents” in Kuala Kapuas on Monday, February 14, 2011.

Activities conducted in the arts arena “Gandang Garantung” next to the office Disporabudpar Kapuas was attended by 100 teens who came from the students of SMP Negeri 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 Kuala Kapuas, SMPS Muhammadiyah, MTs N Selat, MAN , SMAS Kristen, SMU Negeri 1, 2, 3, SMK Negeri 1, 2, 3, SMAS Muhammadiyah, the students of Nursing Academy and STAI  Kuala Kapuas, and attended also by elements of youth organizations: Granat,  Karang Taruna, LPAB and Tagana.

Head of the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism (Disporabudpar) Kapuas Regency, Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM convey: “We invite the young people and walks of Kapuas district to be able to distance themselves from the influence of drugs, alcohol, psyikotropika and other intoxicating drugs that could ultimately damage the character and mentality of the younger generation.”  

The head of Disporabudpar  hope that this effort undertaken to provide material torches and proper socialization for the younger generation so that the dangers of drug abuse for life and their future could be up as early as possible. Hopefully the knowledge gained in this counseling could have an important impact in knowing the danger and bad influence of drugs.

Act as resource persons in these activities is the Head of  Pengadilan Negeri Kuala Kapuas, Syaifudin Tagamal, SH, represented by Rabiatul Adawiyah, SH, MH, County Narcotics Agency (BNK) Kapuas dr. Jum’atil Fajar and the speaker of the Kapuas Police Resort, Iptu Sutarman.

Chief of Pengadilan Negeri Kuala Kapuas in his presentation convey the basics of handling crime narcotics law, among others, the Law or Republik Indonesia No. 5 of 1997, and several other regulations on psychotropic classes III and IV.  He also said the Act No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics and Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health. On that occasion he also expressed the prosecution of the perpetrators of the crime of narcotics.

Another important speaker in this socialization is dr. Jum’atil Fajar of BNK Kapuas. In essence he stated that the dangers of drugs to health is very bad. All types of drugs abused by most teenagers would be very bad effect on health in general has a particularly bad for the heart and blood vessels.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011


e-Paper “BANJARMASINPOST” – Thursday, February 17, 2011, preaching the achievements attained Kapuas. “ACHIEVEMENT boast inscribed Kapuas adolescents at the national level. This is after one dance studio that is sent, successfully won the first best in a contemporary dance contest in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan.”

In Lanjong Art Festival 2011, held on 5-13 February 2011 Kapuas District, represented by Studio Dance “Riak Nyalong” successfully won two championships, the best contemporary dance and the best of fashion and artist makeup.  Assessment of this event is held tight and direct international jury, consisting of Rianto (Jakarta), Natsuki Hayashi (Japan), Nicole Legette (Chicago, USA), and Mubarak Setyaningsih (Jogjakarta).

“Performance Dance Studio Riak Nyalong could amaze thousands of spectators who were present at the time, including the jurors who make judgments,” said Chairman of  Riak Nyalong Mr. Ragus Rumbang.

Oval Art Festival is an annual event that has entered the second year. Activities held in Building Aulia Sport, Tenggarong,  East Kalimantan.

To provide encouragement, dance studio that often follow a similar event was directly witnessed by the Chairwoman of TP PKK Kapuas who also coaches ripple Riak Nyalong Dance Studio, Hj Aliyah Mawardi.
In appearance, Riak Nyalong dance show titled “Luntung Batuah”. The dancers are young men and women dance stylist Meironi and Agus as fashion stylist.

Ragus mention, the dance that’s on the “Luntung Batuah” in Ngaju Dayak language means the same with lanjung (lanjong) in Banjar, which is a container made of woven rattan as the luggage. While the batuah means berezeki or mercyfull. Luntung made of woven rattan is given a decorative motif Kalteng. For the people of Central Kalimantan, luntung urgently needed, especially when going to the fields or leave the field.


Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos

Final series of Kapuas district government revenues on a visit of Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange (PPIK) is on Friday night (02/11/2011) convivial evening was held at Gedung Kesenian Gandang Garantung Kuala Kapuas. In this activity Regent Kapuas, Ir HM Mawardi pleased giving his speech and gave souvenirs to representatives of Canadian youth.

That night a group of 16 Canadian-Indonesian youth exchange treat night is really enjoying the arts by the Government of Kapuas district. They were treated to local arts such as dance areas by Studio Dance “Tingang Menteng Pahunjung Tarung” leadership Erliansyah Narpan M Apoi and folk songs to the accompaniment of a single organ.

As where known, Kapuas receive 7 Canadian youth and 9 Indonesian youths who come from Papua province, Central Kalimantan, Gorontalo, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bengkulu, Riau, Jakarta and East Nusa Tenggara. During the 4 days in Kuala Kapuas, they claimed a very happy and very much add to the experience extraordinary. And on the other side, the Government through Kapuas Regent greeting Ir HM Mawardi and welcome Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Regency, Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM, very pleased and proud to receive the visit of the youth of both countries.

Meanwhile, the Head of Department of Youth and Sports of Central Kalimantan Province, Ir. Sadar Ardi, specifically provided a kind of bidding to the Government of Kapuas district would have a willingness to host PPIK coming years. Top of this bid, Regent Kapuas welcomed with open possibility and invited Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas review and discuss.

In his speech, Kapuas Regent Ir. HM Mawardi lot about the benefits of promoting culture and tourism Kapuas district. Some of the points that he stressed was the cultural diversity that most of his little show tonight. He is also promoting culinary excellence Kapuas like Tapai Amsterdam. He also mentioned the Kapuas River Boat railing to be constructed in 2011 with a fund of Rp. 700 million. With the ship was later the tourists can visit Kapuas District several point objects and attractions such as betang Sungai Pasah, Pulau Telo  as far Mandomai in West Kapuas subdistrict. He is also promoting the construction of cultural centers in Complex betang Sungai Pasah. As where known, Complex betang Sungai Pasah  will be built in 2011, sharing it with funds Kapuas District Government and Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan Rp. 1.7 billion.

In this intimate evening, the youth of Indonesia-Canada was no less skilled in matters of art. The proof they are very compact when displaying dance “Saman” from Nangro Aceh Darussalam Province, sing the theme song for the legendary movie “Titanic” and very compact dancing “poco-poco”. Even at the end they were very cheerful entertainment brought closing song “Kemesraan”.

One of the moments are quite beautiful that night was his impressions of youth representatives in this case delivered by Ms. Katie Moroney (Canada) and Ms N Efrina Ulya (Yogyakarta). Apparently they get along just four days in Kuala Kapuas turns out they have been able to greet the audience by saying “Selamat Hamalem”. In fact, Ms. Katie Moroney was already too clever rhymes reverberate: “Kalau ada sumur di ladang, boleh kita menumpang mandi. Kalau ada umur panjang, boleh kita berjumpa lagi” (If there are wells in the field, we can ride a bath. If there is a long life, may we meet again).


Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


Posted on February 15, 2011 by disporabudparkapuas

Kapuas district  government again received a visit of Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange (PPIK). As where a visit in 2010, visit this 2011 Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism as the technical agency welcomes tourists visiting the youth of both countries.

The Indonesia-Canada youth exchange team arrived in Kuala Kapuas on Wednesday afternoon (9 / 2), consisting of 7 young Canadian and 9 Indonesian young man who came from Papua Province, Central Kalimantan, Gorontalo, Yogyakarta, East Java , Bengkulu, Riau, Jakarta and East Nusa Tenggara. Arrival entourage was greeted immediately by the Head of Department of Youth, Sport, culture and tourism Kapuas Regency, Drs. Hakim Lukman Edy, MM.

During the visit in Kapuas regency planned 3 days, the group stayed in the small city of Kuala Kapuas. They are scheduled to visit the objects and attractions of Kuala Kapuas, among other tourist villages Dahirang to witness the process of making latex “nyatu” crafts and wicker crafts center. Besides, the group also undertakes other activities including attending a convivial evening with the Government of Kapuas district.

For which is understandable, the central activities of Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange 2011 in the province of Central Kalimantan is in the village of Sei Gohong, Bukit Batu subdistrict, Palangkaraya. Their arrival into the Kapuas district is within the framework of the program mid excursions. While in Kuala Kapuas these youths are expected to know better the peculiarities of cultural and tourism district of Kapuas especially Kuala Kapuas tourism.

For the implementation of the Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange in 2012, Kapuas offered by the Government of Central Kalimantan province as a center for youth exchanges if there is willingness. Thus, given the Kapuas district as a center of activity PPIK opportunities in the years before.

In the first day of their visit in the city of Kuala Kapuas, the youth PPIK hosted lunch at the floating cafe of Kuala Kapuas.

Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos