Text and photos by Syamsuddin Rudiannoor, S. Sos
Final series of Kapuas district government revenues on a visit of Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange (PPIK) is on Friday night (02/11/2011) convivial evening was held at Gedung Kesenian Gandang Garantung Kuala Kapuas. In this activity Regent Kapuas, Ir HM Mawardi pleased giving his speech and gave souvenirs to representatives of Canadian youth.
That night a group of 16 Canadian-Indonesian youth exchange treat night is really enjoying the arts by the Government of Kapuas district. They were treated to local arts such as dance areas by Studio Dance “Tingang Menteng Pahunjung Tarung” leadership Erliansyah Narpan M Apoi and folk songs to the accompaniment of a single organ.
As where known, Kapuas receive 7 Canadian youth and 9 Indonesian youths who come from Papua province, Central Kalimantan, Gorontalo, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bengkulu, Riau, Jakarta and East Nusa Tenggara. During the 4 days in Kuala Kapuas, they claimed a very happy and very much add to the experience extraordinary. And on the other side, the Government through Kapuas Regent greeting Ir HM Mawardi and welcome Head of Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas Regency, Drs. Edy Lukman Hakim, MM, very pleased and proud to receive the visit of the youth of both countries.
Meanwhile, the Head of Department of Youth and Sports of Central Kalimantan Province, Ir. Sadar Ardi, specifically provided a kind of bidding to the Government of Kapuas district would have a willingness to host PPIK coming years. Top of this bid, Regent Kapuas welcomed with open possibility and invited Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Kapuas review and discuss.

In his speech, Kapuas Regent Ir. HM Mawardi lot about the benefits of promoting culture and tourism Kapuas district. Some of the points that he stressed was the cultural diversity that most of his little show tonight. He is also promoting culinary excellence Kapuas like Tapai Amsterdam. He also mentioned the Kapuas River Boat railing to be constructed in 2011 with a fund of Rp. 700 million. With the ship was later the tourists can visit Kapuas District several point objects and attractions such as betang Sungai Pasah, Pulau Telo as far Mandomai in West Kapuas subdistrict. He is also promoting the construction of cultural centers in Complex betang Sungai Pasah. As where known, Complex betang Sungai Pasah will be built in 2011, sharing it with funds Kapuas District Government and Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan Rp. 1.7 billion.

In this intimate evening, the youth of Indonesia-Canada was no less skilled in matters of art. The proof they are very compact when displaying dance “Saman” from Nangro Aceh Darussalam Province, sing the theme song for the legendary movie “Titanic” and very compact dancing “poco-poco”. Even at the end they were very cheerful entertainment brought closing song “Kemesraan”.
One of the moments are quite beautiful that night was his impressions of youth representatives in this case delivered by Ms. Katie Moroney (Canada) and Ms N Efrina Ulya (Yogyakarta). Apparently they get along just four days in Kuala Kapuas turns out they have been able to greet the audience by saying “Selamat Hamalem”. In fact, Ms. Katie Moroney was already too clever rhymes reverberate: “Kalau ada sumur di ladang, boleh kita menumpang mandi. Kalau ada umur panjang, boleh kita berjumpa lagi” (If there are wells in the field, we can ride a bath. If there is a long life, may we meet again).